How to find us

The CFTR ist located in the centre of Alsace, in the département of the Haut-Rhin.
It is:
- 18km east of Colmar
- 30km west of Freiburg
- 72km South of Strasbourg
- 40km North of Mulhouse
- 2km East of Neuf-Brisach.

Trip begins at the Volgelsheim station. (GPS: N 48.018863, E 7.542983)

The collection of our steam- and diesellocomotives is to be seen at the depot(GPS: N 48.033768, E 7.564059)


From Colmar: leave the N415 and turn left to the Via Romana in Volgelsheim,

From Mulhouse (throughr Weckolsheim): take the D1bis, pass a bridgt and turn left,

Then turn right in the Rue de la Gare.

From Strasbourg: take the D52 ("route du Rhin"), at Biesheim, the short line of the chamber of commerce and industry and the depot of the CFTR can be seen. After a first level crossing, turn right (a sign is visible). Border the short line and the "Rue de la Gare" is in sight.

From Freiburg, in front of the Rhine bridge, there is a roundabout which be left by taking the D52 to the North (Follow the sign Biesheim). Then a sign shows that at the next intesection, one has to turn left.

the number of tourists is limited to 250 because of the boat capacity. That's why interested individuals should call before coming.

In case of large affluence, it is bether to board the boat on german side. Trips are strictly the same in term of time and quality.

To find the raft on german side, please have a look at the adjacent map or at
google map.
GPS coordinates are: N 48.026062, E 7.579176

Embarcadère coté allemand

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