
The running steam locomotives

Main reason why tourists are visiting heritage railway are the steam locomotives. These machines are nearly human when pulling a train and the smallest dark smoke plumes are so eye-catching! In a world where everything should be clean and environmentally frendly, it is something new for many people!

Because steam locomotives are very wanted from the public, the CFTR has acquired many of them. Judge yourself!

030TB_gare_Volgelsheim The most important collector's pieces are of course the both 030TB. These are the only preserved locomotives from the imperial railway of Elsaß-Lothringen despite the fact that many of them could have been preserved: the french museum railway is in Alsace too, so the difficulties could not have been high. But once again private action has compensated the weakness of the state in its mission to save and preserve the heritage.

But in the case of the non-preservation of the former imperial railway of elsass-lothringen, one can talk about premeditation. Not only that the SNCF was not willing to do so but also the locomotives were scrapped as fast as possible after they were retired!

To be complete and honnest, another heritage railway, the Fond-de-gras in Luxembourg owns the third specimen.

030TB_gare_Volgelsheim The wife of Mr Mann, mayor of Volgelsheim until 2005, gave her name to this small locomotive, the 020 Henschel, who belongs to one of the founding members of the association. It is only very sparsely in use.

La Fives-Lille  The small Fives-Lilles has been used a lot of times at the beginning of the operation because the 030 were not finished. Its limited power and the concern not to wear it are the explanation why it is nearly not used anymore.

La Cockerill type 3 The Cockerill with its exceptional boiler (it is upright!) and its compact size is meant only to switch in the depot.

The association is fortunate in having the both 030: when one is in repair, the other can be operated. Only these both machines, the Fives-Lille and the Henschel are allowed to run on the short line.

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